Classifieds > LFS Reviews

New fish store Fishy Bizness!

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As I'm sure many of you are aware, Dale and Chris (Fantastic Fins) parted ways awhile back.  Chris is now opening his own store called Fishy Business, and will be open the first week in September.

He's located at 21023 Farmington Rd Livonia, Mi

This is about a 1/4 mile North of 8 Mile Rd on the West side (in the same plaza as Little Caesar's).

He's excited to be opening a new place, and looks forward to seeing familiar faces, along with some new ones!

     Coincident or do they believe it's good luck operating near a Little Caesars . 

I'm pretty sure it had everything to do with a nice space in a good location with reasonable rent.  Little Caesars was just a bonus. :)

I'm pretty excited, that is about 1 mile from my apartment.

Anyone know what day Chris opens his new store ?


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