General Category > General Discussion
Site rules
Here is a guideline of what is expected of members participating on the forum.
Tips for a better experience
Tips for Getting Your Question Answered Quickly
Beginners will often find that their question has been answered here before. The Search function can help you help yourself; we have numerous different topics archived.
An appropriate and detailed subject for your post is always good. For example, a post titled 'please help' tells others nothing about your question. Try to be specific, like: 'Diet help for Tropheus.'
Topics that are cross-posted will be deleted.
Common Courtesy
Treat other members with the respect they deserve. This should go without saying, but treat others like you would like to be treated!
In order to maintain a positive atmosphere, no personal attacks or insults will be tolerated. While discussions may become heated, it is not an excuse to result to attacks or insults. There is a difference between a passionate, respectful discussion and one that delves into personal matters. Think of it as debating issues, not individuals. When the line is crossed, the discussion may be closed by the moderation team. Violators will be warned and potentially banned.
All caps is unpleasant, unsightly and steals from the positive discussion environment; please avoid using them unnecessarily.
Keep it family friendly!
Prohibited Activities
Posting or linking to pornographic material is prohibited. Nudity in any form is not permitted. This includes but is not limited to avatars and words in avatars, posts, and/or signatures.
Posting harassing, threatening, or malicious material, or sending the same using the private messaging or email function will be grounds for removal from the site.
The use of multiple user names or impersonating another member or person is not allowed.
Spamming, or sending unsolicited electronic junk mail in any form, is strictly forbidden.
If you have a problem or a complaint, direct it to the administrators and/or moderators, not to the boards.The appropriate actions will be taken. We reserve the right to ban flagrant offenders when deemed necessary, with or without prior warning.
Advertisements vs. Spam
Advertising is only acceptable in the Classifieds sections. Unsolicited emails, private messages, or other contact via constitutes spam. Threads outside of the Classifieds sections serving to advertise ANY product or service are considered spam and will be deleted. Links placed in a user's signature block must be for personal websites and/or relating to fish. All links to referral programs and sites with known malicious intent will be removed.
Contests, fund raising, charities or other personal uses
You cannot use to stage a contest or to request donations for any charity. This includes posting links to sites requesting charitable donations. This includes asking people to donate money or purchase items you are selling here or elsewhere to fund needs of any kind for family, friends, neighbors, pets, other members or anyone. You cannot use to stage a contest on your own for any purpose without first getting express approval from the Administrator. You cannot use to have everyone vote for you in a contest in which if you win you would receive anything of value -- money, trips, and any other consideration.
Threats of Legal Action
Please be aware that any threatened legal action against the owners, administrators, moderators or members of this website will instantly result in your account here being permanently banned from future participation -- regardless of the issue. Legal demands via post, Private Message or Email will be ignored. Our attorneys will only respond to legal demands sent via certified mail to our Resident Agent.
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