Classifieds > LFS Reviews
Cichlid World - Garden City
This place has been around for a long time from what I am told. They have a good selection of Africans and get new stock in regularly. The same lady has been in there each time I go in... she really knows her stuff. Very friendly also.
The downside... they REALLY need to clean the place up and do some maintenance on their tanks. Its looking very old. I sure hop someone there steps up and get out the broom and dust pan.
Stan M.:
they really do need to clean up the
They have a lot of nice fish and keep most of the tanks clean but then occasionally you'll see a tank that looks as if it has never been cleaned before. Also sometimes they don't have the lights on which is strange. My wife wont even go in there. Still a great store with a ton of good healthy fish. If I choose the fish stores that were good by how clean they were I'd be buying all my fish from a chain.
I would say one of the highest prices in town though and dirty is bad in my thoughts it doesnt take much to clean a place up some....
--- Quote from: runawaypencil on January 06, 2013, 10:52:09 PM ---I would say one of the highest prices in town though and dirty is bad in my thoughts it doesnt take much to clean a place up some....
--- End quote ---
I was going to say when I was in here they were asking like 50 to 60 for a fully colored male peacock that up here sells for 10 to 19 dollars and it was super dirty and dark in the store.
I also received no customer service the guy working was engrossed in a conversation on how he keeps setting up all these tanks for doctors offices and they want to pack the tank with 100's of fish right away so he just runs emperor 400's on them and takes filter pads from off the big tank under the counter.
I feel that clean tanks make the fish more attractive to the customer.
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