Author Topic: 2024 MCA Board Of Directors Nominations and Elections  (Read 1021 times)

Offline PowerCerg One

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    • East Lansing, MI
2024 MCA Board Of Directors Nominations and Elections
« on: September 06, 2024, 03:44:11 PM »
Michigan Cichlid Association is having elections! We've been dormant for a while, but we're coming back with the goal of finding a strong group of volunteers who can help us return to holding regular meetings and hosting auctions.

The first step in this process is nominations. Click this link to nominate: You may nominate people for as many or as few positions as you wish. Nominations will be open for 14 days (closing 9/20/24 at midnight)

The positions open for nomination are President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and up to 10 Board Members.

Only members of the club can be nominated (as defined by holding membership prior to the suspension of club activities. If you don't believe you're on our e-mail list, but should be, feel free to comment here or message one of us to verify). Nomination requires three people to nominate the same person (You may nominate yourself. Nominees will be contacted by current board members or representatives to confirm that they accept nomination.

Once nominations close, the nominees will be published online in all the club's various outlets. We will provide a new link with a ballot which will allow members to vote early. Then 30 days later, on 10/20/24 we will hold a virtual meeting with the opportunity for final voting and counting of ballots to announce winners.

Edit: Anyone who wishes to throw their hat in the ring for a position, feel free to comment below.
