Time for an update on the 240g tank. Been awhile since I updated this tank and have made some minor changes here and there with some things and decor, also have changed some stocking over the year. Lost my big eyebiter back in the spring which sucked but it was such a big old fish it was just his time. Took out most the peacocks and trying to stay strictly haps and mbuna now, still have a couple peacocks in with them but they have been doing fine for the past 6 months so they will stay in for now.
Got three canisters running on it now to handle the bio load. Pair of fx5's and a big eheim. Just scored some really nice fish from the club auction and pretty much have the stocking finished now. Wont be adding anything else to the tank as it is heavily stocked now. Makes for a very active and enjoyable tank to sit and watch with a cup of coffee though, great way to start the morning each day.
Short video here---