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Want to Buy/Trade / Honduran red points
« Last post by gturmindright on July 20, 2022, 04:39:16 PM »
Have one male and two females. Breeding. From Tangled Up in Cichlids. Will trade for any of a large variety of unused/unopened/unexpired aquarium supplies. In Rochester Hills Mi. Let me know what you got. Large driftwood, large air-stones, tubing, etc. I’m interested.
General Discussion / Re: This Hobby in Michigan
« Last post by Marty on July 19, 2022, 09:51:45 PM »
Attendance has been pretty light since the lockdowns.  I’ve talked with people from Motor City and heard the same.  Not sure about the West side of the state, but the last I heard, their attendance was a bit lower since the lockdowns were lifted
New World / Umbee
« Last post by gturmindright on July 19, 2022, 10:30:37 AM »
Anyone keeping them here in Michigan?
General Discussion / This Hobby in Michigan
« Last post by gturmindright on July 19, 2022, 10:29:41 AM »
Is it dead? I barely see any posts here. What percentage of paying members go to the meetings and auctions?
For Sale / Re: FS Short Fin Green Dragon fry
« Last post by Leo on July 17, 2022, 02:53:19 PM »
I do still have some

1-2 inch
For Sale / Re: FS Short Fin Green Dragon fry
« Last post by ryuken on July 12, 2022, 01:15:21 PM »
Do you still have this? how big are they?
For Sale / Re: FS Short Fin Green Dragon fry
« Last post by Leo on June 16, 2022, 12:38:00 PM »
Aquatic Events / 2022 MCA summer picnic (7-10-22)
« Last post by Regalblue on June 13, 2022, 08:43:56 PM »
July 10th 2022
11:30am - ?

This is a great time to hang out and network with fellow hobbyists & their families!

The picnic is being held at beautiful Kensington Metropark on Sunday, July 10th and starts at 11:30! 

 Anyone can come, but only MCA members may turn in BAP.
 If you'd like to become a member,  you can sign up at...

The club is providing burgers and soft drinks. It is asked that attendees bring a dish to pass. 
Names A through H please bring a side dish.
Names I through Z please bring a desert

Please rsvp,  ([email protected]) so we bring enough food and drinks

We have reserved the PLAYFIELD EAST pavilion for the day, so this event is happening rain or shine and in all cases you will stay dry.

Here is the park address:
2240 W. Buno Rd
Milford, MI 48380
*There are multiple park entrances right off of I-96

We will be in the Playfield East Pavilion- see metropark link below for a park map or ask the attendant at the booth upon entry to the park.

A metroparks pass is needed to enter the park and day passes are available at the booth as you enter the park. The park also offers many activities including but not limited to swimming beaches, a splash park, fishing, boating, biking, hiking/walking trails, etc. This is a great event to bring the entire family!
For more information on the park, here is their webpage:

This is also a great time to buy/sell/trade with fellow hobbyists, but we ask that you please setup prearranged deals.
For Sale / Re: Cyprichromis --- Can deliver to swap on June 5
« Last post by STEVENS on May 30, 2022, 02:40:55 PM »
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