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Want to Buy/Trade / Looking for Tropheus
« Last post by woogie0004 on December 03, 2024, 09:34:00 AM »
Any one out there have tropheus for sale?
For Sale / Adult WC and F1 Frontosa Kitumba colony
« Last post by xufan02 on October 28, 2024, 11:32:36 AM »
I'm in the process of shutting down my basement to do a remodle.  I have a Kitumba colony that has been together for over 5 years in a 180 gallon aquarium without any other fish.  2 males 9+ inches and 6 females 6-7 inches.  Four (1M/3F) have been raised from F1 fry and the other four (1M/3F) were purchased from E2 aquatics as WC in 2020.  They have bred in spurts but have slowed down over the last year and a half.

I'm not willing to split them up and they will need to go to someone that has a big tank, 180+ as they are a big.

I would like to $800 for the group.  FIRM.  If you would like to see pictures I can text them to you; my cell is 440-454-1597.  I'm in Livonia is you would like to stop by and check them out.
General Discussion / 2024 MCA Board Of Directors Nominations and Elections
« Last post by PowerCerg One on September 06, 2024, 03:44:11 PM »
Michigan Cichlid Association is having elections! We've been dormant for a while, but we're coming back with the goal of finding a strong group of volunteers who can help us return to holding regular meetings and hosting auctions.

The first step in this process is nominations. Click this link to nominate: You may nominate people for as many or as few positions as you wish. Nominations will be open for 14 days (closing 9/20/24 at midnight)

The positions open for nomination are President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and up to 10 Board Members.

Only members of the club can be nominated (as defined by holding membership prior to the suspension of club activities. If you don't believe you're on our e-mail list, but should be, feel free to comment here or message one of us to verify). Nomination requires three people to nominate the same person (You may nominate yourself. Nominees will be contacted by current board members or representatives to confirm that they accept nomination.

Once nominations close, the nominees will be published online in all the club's various outlets. We will provide a new link with a ballot which will allow members to vote early. Then 30 days later, on 10/20/24 we will hold a virtual meeting with the opportunity for final voting and counting of ballots to announce winners.

Edit: Anyone who wishes to throw their hat in the ring for a position, feel free to comment below.

Want to Buy/Trade / Wanted: 180 g stand
« Last post by Hobbiest on April 13, 2024, 09:56:42 PM »
I'm looking for a 180 g stand.
For Sale / Re: Free Male White Altolamprologus Calvus
« Last post by xufan02 on March 19, 2024, 05:32:09 PM »
Thanks Bob.
For Sale / Re: Free Male White Altolamprologus Calvus
« Last post by Fish Hobbiest on March 18, 2024, 09:23:53 PM »
Have a 75 Lake Tanganyika tank . can give him a good home. Can pick up tomorrow after work .734-771-7845
For Sale / Free Male White Altolamprologus Calvus
« Last post by xufan02 on March 18, 2024, 08:16:52 PM »
Pickup in Livonia.
Want to Buy/Trade / Opthalmotilapia Ventralis
« Last post by Super Turtleman on March 05, 2024, 05:59:29 AM »
Anyone have some available? What do you have?
Want to Buy/Trade / Re: Looking for Paracyprichromis Nigrippinis local pick-up
« Last post by watkinsrudy on March 02, 2024, 01:32:15 PM »
Sent you a message.
I've got some, text me at 248-310-1693
Want to Buy/Trade / Looking for Paracyprichromis Nigrippinis local pick-up
« Last post by xufan02 on January 17, 2024, 10:38:01 AM »
I'm looking for WC or F1/F2 adults or juveniles.  I have a group of 8 but looking to add more. 
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